When you’re going through a divorce, it’s helpful if you can work with professionals who understand what you’re going through and trained to handle cases like yours. One of the professionals who can be very helpful is a forensic accountant. A forensic accountant is...
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Buffalo, New York, Criminal And Family Law Blog
How much will you pay in child support?
If you and your spouse divorce, you will need to determine how you’ll care for your children without being in the same home. One of the issues you will need to discuss is the child support that will be needed from the noncustodial parent or the parent who has that...
What are the penalties for a first-time DWI or DWAI in New York?
A criminal charge for driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving while ability impaired by drugs (DWAI) can have severe repercussions on a person's life. The penalties for these drug and alcohol offenses include paying expensive fines, spending time in prison and...
8 overlooked assets in the divorce process
Asset and property division remains a significant aspect of divorce. The obvious assets for review come to the forefront and may include your residence, property investments, retirement investments and vehicles. However, many couples may overlook certain assets....
Dividing complex assets in divorce
Property division is one factor that a divorcing couple must carefully examine when preparing for their independent futures. Asset division will likely accompany spousal support, child support and parenting time as the couple negotiates the complete financial picture....
How can I know if my spouse is hiding assets during our divorce?
When a divorce is imminent, some people just can’t resist the temptation to hide assets. They believe that, if they’re clever enough, they can avoid having the court divide those assets with their ex-spouse. Fortunately, people rarely get away with such behavior. If...
Think you can hide that out-of-state DWI conviction? Think again
While traveling out of state, you made a mistake one night. A law enforcement officer arrests you on a drunk driving charge. A DWI charge anywhere is nothing to take lightly. You know that you must disclose this news to your spouse. And that you will have to pay the...
What is an uncontested divorce?
A common misconception about divorce is that it is inherently contentious. While some splits are messy and litigious, others go off without a hitch. Many couples – no matter their feelings toward each other – want to avoid the tense hearings that often accompany...
What To Do When Pulled Over
Getting pulled over by the police can be stressful and nerve wracking. If you’ve never been pulled over before you may not know what to do or the best way to behave. If you are being pulled over for suspicion of a DUI, it is especially important to make the right...
Using apps can help reduce co-parent conflict
Switching form a married to a divorced lifestyle can leave you with a dizzying amount of life changes. Finding ways to stay organized can both give you peace of mind and help your children through this transitional period. This day and age you can manage your custody...